Xiaomi has released two Redmi smartphones in India this year: the Redmi Note 9 and the Mi 8 Prime. Both smartphones have the same price tag of Rs 9,999. The new smartphone has a bigger screen than the previous models, so it’s perfect for gaming and binge-watching movies. The display on the Mi 8 Prime is 6.53 inches, and although it’s not AMOLED, it does offer crisp colours. It also has a resolution of 2340 x 1080 pixels, which makes it one of the best in its class. Video calls on both phones are very clear as well, so you can watch videos or play games easily.
The price of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Prime and the Mi 8 Prime depends on your preference. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Prime is more expensive than the Mi 8 Pro, and it’s available at a lower price than the Mi 8 Prime. If you’re on a budget, then the Mi 8 is more than enough. Its price range is Rs 13,499 for the base variant, and Rs 14,999 for the premium 6GB+128GB model.
The Redmi Note 9 Prime and Mi 8 Prime have almost the same specs, but the Redmi Note 9 Prime offers a microSD card slot. Both phones have 4GB of RAM and 64GB mi note 9 prime of internal storage, and can be expanded with a microSD card up to 512 GB. Both phones have an impressive IPS display, though the notch isn’t particularly impressive. The ring, however, is a bit bigger than the Redmi Note 9 Prime. The Mi 8 both offer a full-size fingerprint scanner.
The Mi 8 Prime features a 5.7-inch touchscreen display and a pixel-rich, high-resolution 5MP camera. The front-facing camera offers a 1.9MP depth camera, but the front-facing camera has an ultra-wide-angle lens and has a megapixel-resolution f/2.0 sensor. The rear camera has a dual-LED flash and a 5MP macro lens. Both phones feature a 4,000mAh battery and are powered by a 3,500mAh non-removable battery.
As for the cameras, the Redmi 9 Prime has a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor. The megapixel primary camera is powered by MediaTek Helio G80 chipset, and has a 118.2-degree field of view. Despite the similarities between the two phones, the Redmi 9 Prime is the clear winner. Its camera also features an 8MP front-facing camera and a 13MP-megapixel dual-pixel rear-facing camera.
The Mi Note 9 Prime is priced at Rs 9,499 in India. The price is a little higher than the Redmi, but it has better camera capabilities. Both phones have similar screen sizes, which make it difficult to read books or use the phone outdoors. The two phones, however, can be compared with the same number of cameras, which means they can be considered equal. While the Redmi 9 Prime has a higher resolution, the Realme is more powerful and has a 720×162 pixel display.